Your life will change—day by day.
You have been made new through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, His love has captured your heart and your daily life will now show that you have decided to follow Him. You can live out the new life God has given you. You can enjoy the reality of walking in forgiveness and the joy, peace, and hope that results in a restored relationship with God, through Jesus.
You cannot encounter Jesus and remain the same; the Gospel completely transforms your life and brings you into a relationship with your creator!
What is the Bible?
You can nurture your faith by hearing God’s instruction from His Word, the Bible. Every relationship relies on the strength of communication to thrive—the Bible is how God communicates with us. It is God’s revelation of Himself and His purpose to us. God has revealed Himself to man in many ways, including creation, history, and our conscience as we’ve been created in His image and likeness (Genesis 3). Yet, the clearest way that God has revealed Himself to us is through the Bible.
The Bible is no ordinary book, it is not just another piece of literature alongside other ancient or modern texts. God’s Word is completely unique in the way it was composed (God used 40 authors over 1500 years and it was written in 3 languages). In addition to this, evidence of its divine inspiration is strengthened by the consistent message and lack of contradiction across all of the 66 books of the Bible; there is one message that is woven throughout the Bible’s pages. In fact, the very survival of the Bible, and its historical accuracy compared with thousands of actual historical manuscripts dating back to the first century, speak to its reliability. You can trust God’s Word!
Why should I read the Bible?
The Bible is essential for every believer to grow in faith. It reveals God’s will and calls for loving obedience to the family we now belong to. Sadly, many people have many misconceptions around the Bible that hold them back from enjoying a full relationship with the Lord. God’s Word is not just a history book or list of commands—it is living and active.
Hebrews 4:12 (NIV) states: “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” What other book claims to have this kind of effect?
At the heart of the story is God, faithfully and relentlessly pursuing us, even sending His Son to rescue us. These 66 books reveal the heart and character of God. The Bible helps us to see God rightly and to live rightly. John 8:31 states: “…If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.” In what ways does God’s word help us live a full life? Think of the growth and development of a baby, for instance. They start out on liquids and slowly transition to solids as they are able to digest the food and as their nutrition needs to change. God’s Word should form part of our daily diet; it should become essential to our survival and thriving.
Have you ever spent any time reading the Bible? Maybe you have heard claims that God’s Word is flawed. Take time to read it for yourself as, throughout the last two millennia, many have tested the reliability of Scripture and have failed to discredit it. As you immerse yourself in the Bible, you will grow in your understanding and appreciation of the extent of God’s love for you. Now that’s worth getting excited about!
How is the Bible organized?
The Bible contains 66 books that are divided into two sections. The first represents the Covenants God established in anticipation of the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah (known as the Old Testament). The New Testament contains the teachings of Jesus and describes the growth and development of the first-century church; it contains various genres including letters, Gospels, and interesting apocalyptic literature.
The Bible is not arranged in chronological order, but according to subjects, which can help you navigate how it all fits together. The Bible is God’s Word for Christians in every age, yet it was addressed to specific people and contexts that you will get to learn about as you engage the unfolding revelation within the Bible. What is most impressive about the Bible is how God uses ordinary individuals in great ways as part of His Story.
Where’s a good place to start?
It can be overwhelming to know where to start. Try reading the Gospel of John first. It’s 21 short chapters. Start with just one chapter per day and in just three weeks you will have a clearer picture of who God is through the life of Jesus. Then consider reading the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts to understand more about how God birthed and grew the church. Regardless of where you start, be encouraged that if you follow God’s instruction, He can use you tremendously, in ways you’d never have even considered. Don’t just take our word for it or anyone else’s—look for yourself! Find out for yourself what Jesus is like by reading the Bible!