God’s work in you is complete and God cares about every aspect of your life! What you’re experiencing now is described by a man named Paul in the Bible. Paul is a great example of someone who lived a misdirected and empty life and was also made new by encountering Jesus. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 (a letter Paul wrote to the church in the ancient city of Corinth), Paul describes the process of becoming a follower of Jesus: “...if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!” (CSB). God does not just redress you. You are new and the old has gone!
Be encouraged that God has changed your heart and will continue to be present in your life, helping you grow into the amazing purpose He has for your life. A moment of a decision leads to a lifetime of adjustments as you mature in Christ.
Accepting Jesus does not mean that your life is perfect and free of struggles. Instead, God’s power lifts us up and sustains us in very difficult circumstances. Our hope is far more secure than anything this world has to offer. 1 Peter 1:13 states: “Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming.” This reminds us that our minds are always fully engaged in matters of faith and that God is at work renewing our minds from the deceitful narratives of this world.
Romans 12:2 is a helpful reminder to us that God is in the business of renewing our minds and that we are called—according to Paul—to think differently! “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things” (Philippians 4:8).
Our minds are a battlefield. You’ve decided to follow Jesus and align your life around His Word, and the enemy desires to wage warfare by sowing seeds of doubt. Do not entertain patterns of thinking that draw you away from God or the new identity He has given to you!