You just prayed to receive Jesus Christ. We are rejoicing with you!
You asked Him to come into your life. That means Jesus is here with you—offering personal friendship for the rest of your days. You are God's child—a part of His family!
When we decide to follow Jesus, we are made new. It’s not just a ticket to Heaven. It’s a way of being—you’re giving God, maker of the universe, access to change you from the inside out.
You are not alone on this path. Jesus is our God and our Guide. In Jesus, we see the perfect image of God—His original purpose for everything He created (Colossians 1:15).
Can you believe it—God made us to be like HIM? On our own, we may be a mess—but God who made you has made a way for you to be transformed. Living and loving like Jesus is the most joyful way to live.
I’d love to tell you a bit about my story—and hear more about yours!
For the first half of my life, I was afraid of dying without ever having really lived. Have you ever felt that way?
I wanted glory and love and power. I wanted the life that media was selling me—sex and food and plenty of it. I wanted to rise above the mundane and indulge in everything that made me feel good.
I felt so empty inside.
Growing up, my parents often told me that Jesus offers life. But not just any life—abundant life. It wasn’t until I was 27 years old that those words really started to make sense to me.
At a large Christian crusade in Jamaica, my dad was preaching and my heart began to burn within me. Finally, I determined in my heart that I wanted this abundant life Jesus offers. I wanted Jesus. I wanted to be made new.
I told God: I’ll stop using alcohol and drugs. I’ll even go to church!
I knew I needed to tell a friend too. I told my new friend (and now, wife), Wendy. She was thrilled for me and told me she had been praying for me. (If you haven’t yet, is there a Christian in your life who you can tell about your decision? Let them celebrate you and support you too!)
Now it’s your turn—will you introduce yourself?
You can share as much or as little as you’d like. Was this the first time you ever prayed that prayer? Or are you returning to Jesus after having walked away? How are you feeling about your decision? Where are you from? There is so much to learn about you!