For the first half of my life, I was afraid of dying without ever having really lived. Have you ever felt that way?
I wanted glory and love and power. I wanted the life that media was selling me—sex and food and plenty of it. I wanted to rise above the mundane and indulge in everything that made me feel good.
I felt so empty inside.
Growing up, my parents often told me that Jesus offers life. But not just any life—abundant life. It wasn’t until I was 27 years old that those words really started to make sense to me.
At a large Christian crusade in Jamaica, my dad was preaching and my heart began to burn within me. Finally, I determined in my heart that I wanted this abundant life Jesus offers. I wanted Jesus. I wanted to be made new.
I told God: I’ll stop using alcohol and drugs. I’ll even go to church!
I knew I needed to tell a friend too. I told my new friend (and now, wife), Wendy. She was thrilled for me and told me she had been praying for me. (If you haven’t yet, is there a Christian in your life who you can tell about your decision? Let them celebrate you and support you too!)